Update: Sorry everyone--

Eric_blitz on March 28, 2010

Hey guys, I'll go into a little more detail here I guess…

I'm really sorry about this guys, like I said, I really do LOVE doing Stunt-Double, but I just fell behind, and I do have a few pages done, and more penciled, but I feel like uploading them NOW would be kinda pointless until I'm able to focus on this book again…

I'll also be busy in the near future, taking on art duties on the new series POWER PATRIOT and then later, I'll be moving on to Relik (Both written and created by SympleSymon http://user.drunkduck.com/SympleSymon)

So I wont be able to work on this book for awhile–sad but true. Honestly I really do want to eventully get back to this project, I think its a lot of fun!

But for now, this is it, this isnt so much a ‘good bye’ as a ‘too be continued’.
Stunt Double's adventures will continue eventually…just…not now.

That is unless someone else wishes to take up penciling duties for the rest of this issue, I have it written, so really art is the only thing keeping it form being done (as some of you may know, this has been downgraded to a One-Shot which will tie into a series I plan to do at a much later date) so if someone wishes to help me finish this adventure of our hero! That'd be fantastic and would really help me feel better about just stopping like this.

If you ARE intrested, email me at eric_harmon101@yahoo.com or PQ me here.

But, if that doesnt happen, I'd like to thank you ALL for reading my book, and I hope you'll come back when I get back on this project, whenever that may be.

I'm truly sorry, and I feel like an ass for doing this, but…its gotta be done.

See You Soon!