Messy Hair

ShaRose49 on Sept. 6, 2020

I will be posting one more page this month, mostly because I lack patience and because I want to reward you all for waiting ;3 I still do not know when I will be back to updating more frequently, as the book I’m working on is taking longer than the initial plan, but I have still been able to occasionally finish a page or two on the side. Thanks you guys for reading, as always!

On another note—I finally uploaded all the fanart I have received this year to the fanart site in one big post! I’m really sorry for letting it take this long for me to properly post it all. Do check it out if you can, there is art by Kevtrev, Sovember, Accidental Ninja, KatsuTG, Zero Hour, my sister, and The Doodler. <333 I love all of you guys, and I hope you know how much I appreciate the work you put into these pieces and how touched I am to receive them.🥰