Ep. 16, Page 66

smbhax on April 11, 2012

Here's a little sketchy doodle I did with the Pentel Pocket Brush over the weekend:

Notice the nostrils and mouth are pointing straight on rather than slightly to the side like the rest of the face! Those were some of the first parts I did, and eh well faces have a way of wanting to twist one way or the other on me when I'm not being careful. ;)
Did you know there's a huge disc of dwarf galaxies, globular clusters, and stellar streams orbiting the Milky Way at a nearly perpendicular angle? And that this seems to contradict Dark Matter theories in just about the most direct possible way! And that it might have come from a collision between the Milky Way and another galaxy–possibly Andromeda–about 10 billion years ago? Well yeah!