Ep. 31, Page 29

smbhax on May 3, 2017

Wednesday original art archive auction sale! : D This is the *last* big 17“x11” ink wash piece from the first A* episode I did using traditional methods–episode 13, page 157 to be exact–that I'm going to put up for auction; it is up on eBay right now for a week, starting at a low sale price. : )

It's also one of the best likenesses I think I've ever managed–and this is one I did way back in 2011. : o o :

There are higher resolution images in the auction listing. : D And if you'd like to stay up on these original art sales of mine, you can follow my eBay profile.


At the time I made the page, I even happened to take a photo midway through the inking: I did the black areas, adding water to some in the background to sort of gradient them a bit, and after this it would be going in with prepared gray washes to model the figures:

So going dark to light, which is the opposite of how you sort of mostly have to do watercolors like I'm working with now. I do like how I only outlined select parts of the bodyguard figure in black, though, leaving other edges open for a sort of metal shiny effect–and edges on Selenis were left open to be defined by the gray hallway gradients. I need to remember that when I feel rushed and want to just outline all the pencil lines real fast. : P (Also trying to manage my time better so I have *more* time at the drawing table and don't have to feel rushed! Doing better at that over these past few weeks, still room for improvement though. : D)