Ep. 35, Page 36

smbhax on Nov. 21, 2018

Thanks to everyone who sent me well-wishes yesterday! I think too many days in a row of not quite getting a full night's sleep caught up with me and my brain just shut down and gave me no option except to go to bed in the middle of the afternoon instead of working on the comic. x_x And I'm out Thursday and Friday for the big Thanksgiving holiday (during which I will also be endeavoring to sleep a lot!). But I got a page done today so that's something, anyway. : o

Thanks also to everyone who reads this little comic despite these various foibles. I couldn't make it without you! ^_^ And here's an ink sketch I got to send to a reader for their support through Patreon:

Thanks everyone for all your support! And Happy Holidays (if you're into it)! Back next week with more sleeping and maybe even some more comics, hopefully!