So Many Snuggly Hugs

Modesty on May 24, 2017

Now the poor sap is just being taken advantage of. Angelo…what have you gotten yourself into?

Alistair: You're the best brother I never had.
Angelo: Uh…thanks. I think.
(After the first hug, I guess Alistair considered it open season.)

Zevran: I'm so glad you saved me from the Crows.
Angelo: Get your hands off my ass.
(Note: The Crows is the assassins guild that Zevran failed. ;))

Leliana: Your scent reminds me of my mother.
Morrigan: My mother's trying to kill me. Protect me!
(I like to imagine that Angelo smells of mothballs.)

Shale: I just wanted to know how hard I could squeeze fore its spine broke.
Angelo: *HURK*
(You know…for SCIENCE! Not because I like you or anything…baka!)
(Shale is tsundere in my head-canon.)

Angelo: /sigh/
Sten: …

Angleo: You're going to leave this out in your report to the Arishok, right?
Sten: Absolutely. Let's get some darkspawn.
(Secretly…Sten wants a hug too. But has mad bro-respect).