Officers and enlisted

bravo1102 on July 27, 2014

There always were enlisted personnel in the various depictions of Star Fleet. They were usually just extras though wandering around in jump suits. After doing Interstellar Blood Beasts completely without enlisted personnel I searched for the enlisted rank insignia and dummied up some enlisted uniforms.

While Scotty was always called the Chief Engineer on most ships there would be a head of engineering who was officer and a chief engineer who was enlisted (chief petty officer) Then there was the head enlisted man of the ship who would say the ship actually belonged to him and the captain merely commanded it. That God on earth : the master Chief. This Master Chief is a LOTR dwarf figure. Dwarves are these great engineers in LOTR and Warhammer, so why not Star Fleet?

@Oz: here's another shot of Miss Upper Left (in case you didn't mean Ms Berry) I call her my “Sandra Bullock” figure. Happy 50th Sandra!

They are looking at the actual model of the USS Surprise built for the comic.