Star Strip page 25

bravo1102 on Oct. 10, 2014

Jenn puts Bev in her place. This page was re-written this morning because something just didn't seem right about it especially in light of up-coming events. I did consider having Jenn laying out Bev with a full blown punch but a really good hard slap stings like no punch ever could.

Now is it just me or does Lon really look like Jack Nicholson as Joker right there?

I'm up to page 37 and am doing a lot of “fleshing out” writing. Things to make the story flow better or at least I hope so.

@Parthenogenesis: There is a back story to the cultures represented here. This happens in our present not our future. However, Humankind developed advanced technological cultures in the distant past during what we Earth folk only know as the Paleolithic. Humans weren't so backward as to take 15,000 years to develop agriculture. It's just that advanced societies don't leave too many remains and primitive ones do. So in the distant past Humankind developed genetic engineering to a higher level than we have now (and interstellar space flight) and went to town. Every group that wanted their own developments obtained them. There were tails, furries, servant subspecies (the Grey Guys) carnivores, herbivores and the elimination of nearly every disease and increased life-span.

By this time space colonization had already begun. All these splinter groups created all kinds of pressures on society so many groups up and left. However colonization wasn't very successful. Certainly the ships arrived and some even had a soft landing, but usually the equipment was so damaged many groups were reduced to bare survival while others thrived and expanded.

Meanwhile all that ruthless experimentation and development seriously damaged the human genome. So much that the “Y” chromosome at one point nearly stopped working. The male population dropped dramatically. Scientists freaked so was started the hermaphrodite program to produce a completely viable single sex human subspecies. Eventually they found the easiest solution was the best. Merely add the ability to produce and pass on sperm into females. Thus were born the Varians. By this time there had been some repair of the human genome so male populations began to rise again. By this time earth had been mostly left behind as it had become unlivable for an advanced society. Only humans with the advanced genome had emigrated to the stars and at first it was a mostly united imperial culture. Then the culture became increasingly reactionary and there came the Age of Extermination. many subspecies were hunted down and destroyed. But like all massacres there are always survivors. Many worlds were so devastated they were forced to start all over. Only two human societies remained the Aordians and the Diamorians and they were at each other's throats when they encountered alien species that matched and even surpassed their technology.

One was the Falasnorians or in the ancient human tongue “those who interfere” They stopped the extinction with their advanced technology as they saw in humans a chance to reclaim their own genetic diversity. Those experiments still continue to this day with the alien abduction phenomena.

And that's the past history in a nutshell. There are other off-shoots and various societies like the fledgling Federation and the Turfians but many still have not re-discovered interstellar travel just like the home world of Humanity; Earth. Because of its delightfully backwards state of development it is a protectorate of the Aordian republic. And nearly all humans know its culture because it is so wonderfully ass-backwards. Really letting a mythical man in the sky dominate every moment of ones' life, even to the point of denying the very spirit of one's being? Anyone with a brain knows that humans evolved to enjoy sex so much for a reason. Because it's good for your body and mind and a healthy and free expression of one's sexuality is the height of human health. Or so the Aordians preach to anyone who will listen. Space, they're the most advanced humans so they must be doing something right. Or so the story goes.