Star Strip page 64

bravo1102 on Jan. 11, 2015

The attack on the bridge continues. Lon makes certain to use the stripper beam on a woman that Rickover hasn't seduced yet.

There was no page Friday because I wanted to conserve the buffer a little. I repaired the laptop and took some pictures so production has started up again. So many things to do. I found some great pictures of Star Trek:TOS bridge and discovered that the set colors are different on the original Enterprise set than on the 3D renders I have. So if I have scenes on another star ship there will be a difference.

In other news when the laptop was down I could still use MS Word on the computer at work. I pounded out another script for Belle's Best and fleshed out two other outlines. That makes five scripts for Belle's Best. None is longer than 30 pages so they all should be relatively short comics. Well short for me.