My Teen Titan O.C.

AngelofOrange on Oct. 13, 2006

Name: Lydia Michelle
Hero name: Auro
Age: 15
Power: Mimic
Skills: Fighting, and acting
Limits: She can only fully mimic one person at a time, but she can mimic up to three “Powers” or skills at once. Her mood affects her mimicing.
Weakness: unknown

History: Her parents died when she was young and she was raised by a blind woods hermit. She discovered her power when she was 5 and she got lost in the woods and was almost attacked by and animal, but she mimiced the sound of its predator and the animal ran away. She taught herself over the years how to perfect the use of her power. When she turned 11 she came home and found her care taker dead. Since then she has been trying to find the killer.