Allan - 300 - Conclusion 16 (Finale)
Allan on Nov. 29, 2007
That's it. 300 comics. 30 days. That is the end.
There has been a change in plans. The 600 will not continue. It will be rerouted into a different comic called Xum, and that will be updated daily, if not twice daily.
Now that I am finished with The 600 my work on Allan can restart, and Ryan can get his lazy ass back to work on other shit that he happens to make. Oh wait. I should be respecting the dead, shouldn't I?
Sorry Ryan.
Other than that, check out Mediocre Militia for more works from me and my pals over there, and that's about it. Hope you enjoyed our little experiment. I know I did.
moosenugget at 12:22AM, Dec. 5, 2007
Best ending ever...
laserlemon at 5:37PM, Dec. 2, 2007
Nickatwork at 3:14PM, Dec. 2, 2007
Wow, best one yet! :D
Ikos at 5:28PM, Nov. 30, 2007
Great job! You can finally relax (kinda) again :D
MegolaTheGreat at 1:49PM, Nov. 30, 2007
Great dramatic finish
Demynx at 1:25PM, Nov. 30, 2007
lynst25 at 12:58PM, Nov. 30, 2007
of course, this strip was the best one out of all of them. just kidding. i'll miss the daily updates.
Wilson at 12:30PM, Nov. 30, 2007
It brought a tear to my eye. Our little project's all grown up. Allan, let's have another.
Croi Dhubh at 10:30AM, Nov. 30, 2007
Well, you had a lot of good, funny stuff! Hope you work on something else as random
DarkChibiShadow at 6:41AM, Nov. 30, 2007
Aw, thats such a cool way to end it. I bet you feel like a wieght has been lifted don't you? Aw it makes me a little sad thats is over. But now I have a new mission!! TO COMMENT EVERYPAGE!! IT MAY TAKE ME WEEKS OR MONTHS OR YEARS BUT I'LL GET THERE EVENTUALLY. As always you rock Allan.
marine at 4:46AM, Nov. 30, 2007
Funny stuff. I'll find someone to do twice as many comics as you guys. With hookers and blackjack!
GamerMaster at 4:39AM, Nov. 30, 2007
??????? That was srewed up...
Mister Q at 1:51AM, Nov. 30, 2007
It was fun while it lasted ... knew you would make it :P the killing ryan with mind controle was really sick :P haha
Allan at 1:40AM, Nov. 30, 2007
Yeah, I was aiming for that, Fenn.
Fenn at 12:54AM, Nov. 30, 2007
Um... that was a bit... [i]disturbing.[/i]
cyborspace95 at 11:25PM, Nov. 29, 2007
*throws roses*
Priest_Revan at 11:10PM, Nov. 29, 2007
Talekyn at 10:34PM, Nov. 29, 2007