The Adventure of the Goat Chin Pirates
- Flying Ninjas
- Explosive Entrances
- The Bustle Bomb
- BOOM chica-BOOM
- True Love
- And Assist From Below
- Emphasis
- The Help
- Didn't See the Little Fella' There
- Psst, We Are Also Masters of Disguise
- And Now Some High Society Types
- Killing Hope
- Examining the Goods
- The 'Orrible Truth
- Last Man Standing
- Gone Pirtating Back Soon
- A Terrible Offer
- A Generous Offer
- Dark Memories.
- A Pleasant Chat
- Spare The Rod
- The Human Broker
- Venice
- Prisoner of the Mind
- Always End on a Strong Joke
- The Blame Game
- The MAW
- Bait and Switch
- Bokar N'chul
- As Long as I've Got My Imaginary Friends
- Storming Out
- I Get Resurected For This Grief
- Right About Now
- Ivie's Story
- Striking a Deal
- Asbleening
- Feeding the Dead
- Reunited
- He's Alive ALIVE!
- The Ceremony 6
- The Ceremony 5
- The Cermony 4
- The Ceremony 3
- The Ceremony 2
- The Ceremony
- Disoriented
- Dropping Like Flies
- Goodbyes
- ...With a Smile.
- I Think Everyone Would
- Heavy Shoulders
- Not Just a Nightmare
- I'm "Flash-Back", Baby!
- Shanty 7 He Doesn't
- Wishful Thinking
- Worries
- Stutters
- Party Time
- Inspired
- Too Bad He Didn't Fire During the Gutting.
- Finally Someone Stopped a Monolouge.
- Finally Standing Up
- We've Landed With More Graphic Gore.
- Graphic Gore Ahoy.
- Keep Your Eye on the Enemy
- It's Not Gay It's Metro
- Crushed Ideas.
- Bringing Down the House
- James V.S. Armondo
- The Cost of Victory
- Too Fast Too Furious
- A Noble Sacrifice.
- A Plan Forms
- Thinking With Brain Cells
- A Lesson in Sniping
- A Shot From the Hill.
- Ready Fight!
- Throwing the Gauntlet
- Strength in Numbers
- Back Lash
- Pain
- Counters
- Good Advice
- Bomber Girl
- Face Off
- Sending Out the Muscle
- Captains Always Keep Their Cool
- Imaginary Friends Always Have Your Back
- Superior Odds
- The Welcoming Commitee
- "El Gran Protector"
- The Pirates are Coming The Pirates are Coming
- Making Amends
- Legacy of Death
- Gaurded
- A Death in the Familia
- Happy Halloween
- A Tough Choice
- Can't Judge a Book
- Diagnosis
- Freaking White People
- Now That's How You Lie
- Between A Rock and a Hard Place
- Why Does That Never Get Old?
- Lost in Translation
- It is Delicious.
- This is Why The Didn't Have Boat Ambulances.
- Shanty 6- The Magnificent 7
- Heavy Answer
- Big Decisions
- Good Advice
- Perforated.
- That's What You Get For Calling People Old.
- Hey Some Backstory.
- Swashing a Buckle
- Aw He Went There
- Telling Off Our Betters Since 1602
- Ladies and Gentlemen the Spanish Seadog
- More Foreshadowing
- No! Not HIM!
- Trouble on the Horizon
- inFamous
- Shanty 5 Over Shadowed
- Paddy Doyle
- And You Thought Bard Was a Stupid Job
- Fight Fight Fight
- What To Do What To Do.
- And You Thought You Were Short
- A Clean Getaway
- Getting the Drop on the Man
- Well That was Fast
- Oh No he's Been Made
- Why do your Fantasies Always Fall Short.
- Hey No Means No.
- In the Navy
- Why Doesn't Anyone Invest in a Silent Alarm
- It's Called Foreshadowing
- And Now a Song
- Because I Thought it was Important
- Never Ask the Man Questions.
- That's How You Take Care of an Idiot.
- Ship Space
- Lowering Expectations Since 1690
- Captain Long John page 2
- Captain Long John page 1
- Captain Long John Book 5 Coming Abroad
- Shanty 4 Fantasy
- When Life Gives you Lemons
- Yeah Clothes are that Important
- OOOOH She Took Off his Shirt
- Foggy Memories
- The Big Mermaid
- Wonder if this is going to be a Running Gag.
- You Think he Planned that?
- Defeated
- Shanked
- Nick the Knife
- It's Better Then Daytime T.V.
- Can't Do That Joke Again....or Can I?
- Never Stop in in the Way of Love.
- Ashleigh Macnamera
- He'll Need to Wash That With Warm Water.
- Good to Know They Have Some Hope.
- Drowning
- Falling
- Perfect Storm
- How Did Everyone Miss That?
- Shanty 3 Clothes Make the Pirate
- Another Joins the Band Ship
- Bombshell
- Food Brings Everyone Together
- Hey No PDA.
- Didn't See That Did Ya?
- Pirate V.S. Pirates
- Da-Dunn
- Pain
- Oh Noes
- Round 3 James V.S. ELENA
- He Got Done Quick
- Hopeless
- All Alone
- Just Add Art.
- Bull Jumping.
- Never Thought about that Did Ya?
- Anticipation
- Death of a Caricature
- Intrigue.
- Art Comes Alive
- Round Two: Shaughn and Annie V.S. Sora
- Never Laugh and Kill
- How 'bout them gams.
- Onomatopoeia
- How Does She do it?
- Face Kicked
- Knife Fight
- Christmas Brought to you by Jesus
- Round 1 Ari V.S. Nik-ol
- Alright gang split up.
- ...and Cue Impressive Baddies
- Nice Tub
- Curse you Ancient Ninja Wit
- Quickly to the Ship!
- La Diabla
- Don't you love those suddegn breaks mid-
- Fun with Foriegn Words
- Even ninja's can make mistakes
- Dramtic Fight Scene 1
- Witty Dialogue
- For those who havn't guessed it, he's demoted
- I don't think we're in Europe any more.
- My world is pain
- Shanty 2 PIrate V Ninja
- Captain James Wants You
- Double Feature 2
- Double Feature 1
- Filler 1
- Witch! Witch!
- Imaginary Hoo-Haw
- Let's Ride the Train to Painville.
- AWWW Snap
- well that was anti climatic
- What's he so worried about?
- Well that was Easy
- How does she pick her nose?
- Do Not attempt this at home
- Oh Noes
- Yo ship's so fat....
- Where's her curly red hair?
- How did they not notice this?
- Our First Flop
- Well that was easy
- Over here
- It Can Fit
- Crushing Dreams
- Shanty 1 Advent of Piracy
The Bustle Bomb
PPPchairman on Feb. 21, 2013
I'd love to see someone use this idea in a movie sometime, not just for the fat royalty check but cause it would be awesome to see this in some action flick. Cowtoons-Maybe he hired some homosexual mercs? Ghostrunner-Nice. Escutcheon-Why else would white women have something that makes their butt's look big. PeiPei-I just wish I had more room to add more detail and make it larger but I was too afraid the gag would lose some punch if I had a week long build up. I guess I should have waited based on the reaction I got.
Escutcheon at 8:31PM, March 28, 2013
xD Well...Point. Also, OWWW. That knockback. I know there's a shield but...OWWW.
Peipei at 9:57PM, March 19, 2013
Lol awesome xD bomb in the butt!