- #69: Wandering Thoughts.
- #68: The Three Questions.
- #67: No 42 for you!
- #66: Crazy Directions.
- #65: Why does this always happen?
- The Epic Showdown. Fin
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 13
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 12
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 11
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 10
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 9
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 8
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 7
- The Epic Showdow. Pt. 6
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 5
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 4
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 3
- The Epic Showdown. Pt. 2
The Epic Showdown. Pt. 1
- #64: Solving a Problem.
- Filler 6: Busy week.
- #63: Comic for rent.
#62: And we are back.
- This is our Halloween Fin.
- This is our Halloween. pt.2
This is our Halloween. pt.1
- #61: What it is.
- #60: What the f*** happened?
- #59: It happened.
- #58: Now he's done it.
- #57: Growing a pair.
- #56: The negotiation
- #55: Hate the FCC.
- F 5: I got an Xbox 360!
- #54: The producer.
- #53: Who is the producer?
- #52: The quest for the pay Check.
- Filler 4: A good ole fashion comic.
- #51: Some paycheck.
Cover 2
- LSDG Christmas Carol Fin.
- LSDG Christmas Carol pt. 3
- LSDG Christmas Carol pt. 2
- LSDG Christmas Carol pt. 1
- #50: From cute too awesome.
- #49: No love for Slippy.
- #48: Slippy's Backstory,
- #47: Enter Slippy.
- #46: New roomy.
- #45: Touring the room.
- #44: Looks good on the outside.
- #43: What is everyone doing?
- #42: Getting things started.
- #41: Enter Drybones.
- #40: Spanish Banana.
- # 39: Peanut butter jelly time
- #38: Yes it's that easy.
- #37: Theories.
- #36: Enter Lizards/Snake.
- #35: Cool too cute.
- #34: Stepping it up.
- #33: The groups name.
- Special: Valen.... Ah screw it.
- #32: The name.
- #31: End of the day.
- #30: Hot tubs.
- F3: SSBB stuff.
- #29: Author powah!
- #28: Weird conversations.
- F3: Reasons of being late.
- #27: Wrong floor weird people.
- #26: Just a feeling.
- #25: Success.
- #24: Shazam!
- #23: Double or nothing.
- #22: Battle mode.
- F2: Irony
- #21: Oops.
- #20: Bruin likes ninja chicks.
- #19: Ninja secratary.
- #18: About the company.
- #17: Tour around the town.
- #16: Enter Aaron Summers.
- #15: Welcome to Fourside.
- #14: Fairwell Newbie town.
- #13: Bus stop shenanigans.
- #12: Sweet revenge.
- #11: Much rejoicing.
- #!0: Just one call.
- #9: Commercial message.
- Filler 1: Technical difficulties.
- #8: If only....
- #7: Noobs on a plane.
- #6: Dragon stories.
- #5: Only part dragon.
- Random Crap: WTF mate?
- #4: Dragons pride.
- #3: Chating.
- #2: Humble beginings. Well sort of.
- Warning
- #1: Meet the group.
- 0: A new comic.
#68: The Three Questions.
Brinx on Sept. 28, 2010
Uh oh looks like Brinx is in a pickle. Since Brinx didn't take the long way to get their so he doesn't know what to say. How will he get out of this one? Well we won't know that till next time. Okay this one was a tough one to write on. Mainly for the questions, I had to think of two questions I will know and one I could not know. The last question was especially hard to come up with till I went with that one. It was a good taste of irony for simply taking the shortcut. Well that's all I've got so see ya next time.