Strip 100

TheFullestCircle on Nov. 15, 2021


Well then.

I hope all of you are excited for the next strips (which you could consider a pseudo Chapter 2, if you want), because the plot's about to kick into gear. Get ready for some stuff to happen—but don't worry, TBGPPC is still primarily a comedy, and I promise to never lose sight of that.

Unfortunately, it'll be a cliffhanger, and you'll have to wait a bit, because TBGPPC is going on a briefish hiatus. I've been consistently writing the strips the day they're going out, and since there's more plot now I want to not do that anymore, so I'm taking a small break from posting comics (but not from writing them; I might even do that faster than I was before!).

Relevant trope: Milestone Celebration

Come to our Discord to repeatedly ask me when the next update is going to happen! I am literally going to open a channel dedicated to doing this! This isn't a joke!