87. Doing the Dishes

Air Raid Robertson on Jan. 29, 2011

It's been over a month since I've posted a Capital of Helsinki strip. As some of you may have suspected, I was seriously considering the notion that this comic had run its course. For a while I was convinced that I shouldn't bother with producing new strips.

Still, I found myself getting new ideas for three panel gag comics. And, I still liked the idea of having a punchy, readily accessible counterpoint to the serialized stories in Air Raid Robertson. Finally, I decided to peek in at the stats for this comic for the first time in weeks. I was surprised to discover that it was getting solid page views despite the lack of recent updates.

Ultimately, I decided to draft some new comics. This one is the first of three that I drew in rapid succession. It may be an odd choice for a “comeback comic” though. After all, it's a math joke that features a solid number of cringe-inducing puns. I am, of course, a sucker for nerdy jokes like this one. So, here it is.