Episode 125
RobertTinnell on Feb. 8, 2007
Hey - sorry to all but we won't be updating until most likely Monday Feb. 26th. Craig is so swamped with paying work that we felt it best to take at least a week off to catch up. We're both really sorry about that and we want everyone to know how much we appreciate the support.
webcomics heh at 11:25AM, Oct. 8, 2009
Shoulda smacked her in the mouth brah because sometimes bitches get hit.
Darkmax at 3:24PM, March 11, 2007
Very Nice!!!! Byron (The Devilfish Project) (Sengoku)
RobertTinnell at 3:54PM, Feb. 21, 2007
Well, as we wait to get back up with new strips I'll take a moment to make an impassioned plea. I hope you'll all consider getting a Chelation Kid tee shirt. Proceeds benefit the National Autism Association and I'd really like to show them that it was worth engaging a webcomic for promotion. Here's the link - nationalautismassociation.org/proddetail.php?prod=ChelationKid
Kagomas at 4:12AM, Feb. 9, 2007
Hah! burn!