The Cherub Brothers Chapter 7.27

Magor on July 17, 2020

I'm working on the next few chapters for the rest of the year and next, so that's why i missed last week's update. as per usual it's a six page update for this week. i also been reading about that duck awards. I never did any of those types of things, I've always been alright with my corner just trying to sell work to get by. if you want to consider voting for my comic i found the google doc of it. but i'm not going to tell you what to do. I appreciate all the reading people do for this comic and other support.

link for the duck awards voting.

also linking my store for anyone who wants to support by buying some merch and original artwork here.

update 1/6 for tonight.

picking up from the other week with Sun finally taking off his mask again. This time with some added things. Like something poking out more and more.