The Cherub Brothers Chapter 13.43

Magor on May 24, 2024

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job hunt is still shit. last year summer wise the only thing keeping me by was my datjob, art sales were so skimpy until the fall and i could really use some extra for this horrible energy bill. you need AC in my state, and we've been doing our best to cut our energy so much we're using half of what we used last year and almost 75% down from 15 years ago but it's just going up and i just don't know how to cover that without breaking the bank for other stuff. school's are so violent and going through this takeover and the highway's so dangerous nowadays i don't know what i'm going to do. fuck even retail and food/customer service isn't even getting back to amyone or say no so wtf is going on….

couple more updates and this chapter will be finished. chapter 14 gets really weird with some the bug king and the cherubs. it'll be as long a chapter 12 but the next few shouldn't be that long.

sealing the two necromancers in the pendant doesn't stop the bug king but the sealing is weird as you'll see coming up.

wanted to say more but i'm just too tired. thanks for reading and have a good weekend. :)