(Officially) Demonic Adventures Page 5

lizinverse on Nov. 30, 2011

I present to you: the evil Christmas twins.
There's always a twin, isn't there. X3
Jamie59-ask and ye shall receive.

dragonestea-hehe, yep, Belie's spell is working all right.


Kou The Mad- Ah the curse of the naive. :x

So the holidays are coming up. :D
I was kind of inspired by the DD Secret Santa event (although I haven't unlurked in the forums to participate >.>;; ) to come up with my own holiday cheer. Because I luff you guys SO much (no really, I do!) I will draw any and all of my readers a picture of their choice. Of anything. It doesn't have to be Pita-related.

Of course the image exchange will be all done digitally, unless you're really in great want of a physical version. If that be the case, we'll figure out some sort of exchange of address. ^^

I don't need anything in return, I want to do this as a thank you to everyone who's been following this story from the start. ^^ You've all been awesome readers, and the feedback I've received has really helped my esteem and given me courage to share more of the products of my imagination. It's difficult to express the admiration I have for every one of you via internet text, so please let me thank you in the very least with artwork.

I know I'm no DaVinci, but I will put my all into what I will do. :) You guys have actually helped improve my artwork, and make me want to do better, just compare the first chapter to the current. ^^
So leave a comment here, or send me a PQ, or even an email to idlingofmarch at gmail dot com with what you would like Santa Liz to bring your eyeballs for Christmas. :) I only ask that you do not request things of a death-horror or guro nature, or anything anti-Christmas.