Issue 00 - Page 12

JustNoPoint on Aug. 9, 2013

Seems our green glowing friend has struck a chord with Randy.
Yes you'll find out what set him off this issue =p
And you'll get to see what IMAGE is.

Just 8 more pages left!

Barely had time to finish this! Got called in a lot. Next week I'm on vacation and I'm using it to draw and catch up on comic reading/commenting and the awards. Speaking of which, the Awards still needs volunteers to judge. So please volunteer! =D

Vickie: Well, if you had context you could hear how he's saying the words better. More like he's reminding Randy of something. Something Randy might feel guilt over and realize the implications of greeny's statement.

MIB: Thanks!

Jamie: Fine piece of advice!

Szyazka: Why thank you!

PeiPei: He should have tried a different color for his hologram. The green is just SPOoOoky! Makes him seem mean right off the bat! :P