- Sixhundredfour
- Another filler :p
- Sixhundredthree
- Sixhundredtwo
- Sorry for the filler
- Sixhundredone
- Sixhundred
- Fivehundredninetynine
- Fivehundredninetyeight
- Fivehundredninetyseven
- Fivehundredninetysix
- Fivehundredninetyfive
- Fivehundredninetyfour
- Fivehundredninetythree
- Fivehundredninetytwo
- We're coming back!
- Fanart #4
- Ratchet-The Fool
- Fanart #2
- Fanart #1
- Fivehundredninetyone
- Filler x.x
- Fivehundredninety
- Fivehundredeightynine
- Fanart by Patrickdevine
- Fivehundredeightyeight
- A little fun with tablet and photoshop :D
- Fivehundredeightyseven
- Fivehundredeightysix
- Fivehundredeightyfive
- Fanart by Warpedwenger
- Fivehundredeightyfour
- Laci and Ratchet
- Lilith of Wakon Yosai
- Fivehundredeightythree
- Yup x.x. College is keeping me on my toes again xD
- Fivehundredeightytwo
- Fanart by Patobarraco
- Fivehundredeightyone
- Fivehundredeighty
- Fivehundredseventynine
- Ouch x.x
- Evil biker clown from hell
- Fivehundredseventyeight
- Fivehundredseventyseven
- Fivehundredseventysix
- Filler page: There will be an update tomorrow! ^^
- Fivehundredseventyfive
- Chapter 12
- Fivehundredseventyfour
- Fun tablet drawing
- Fivehundredseventythree
- Fivehundredseventytwo
- Fivehundredseventyone
- Fivehundredseventy
- Fivehundredsixtynine
- Quick sketch of Lilith
- Fivehundredsixtyeight
- Fivehundredsixtyseven
- Fivehundredsixtysix
- Strip from guest artist, Anubis.
- Fivehundredsixtyfive
- Fanart by Anubis
- Fivehundredsixtyfour
- Fivehundredsixtythree
- Fanart by Ghostrunner
- Fivehundredsixtytwo
- Fanart: Cricket's Creature by Patrickdevine
- Fivehundredsixtyone
- Fivehundredsixty
- Fivehundredfiftynine
- Fivehundredfiftyeight
- Fanart by Popenfresh
- Fivehundredfiftyseven
- TwoMoons: By Jenshin
- Fivehundredfiftysix
- Fivehundredfiftyfive
- Fivehundredfiftyfour
- Fivehundredfiftythree
- Fivehundredfiftytwo
- Fivehundredfiftyone
- Fivehundredfifty
- Fivehundredfourtynine
- Fivehundredfourtyeight
- Fivehundredfourtyseven
- Fivehundredfourtysix
- Fivehundredfourtyfive
- The Faction Christmas pin-up
- Fivehundredfourtyfour
- Fivehundredfourtythree
- Fivehundredfourtytwo
- Fivehundredfourtyone
- Another Fanart: Orn and Milek by LanceDanger
- Fivehundredfourty
- Fanart: Ratchet by LanceDanger
- Fivehundredthirtynine
- Fivehundredthirtyeight
- Fivehundredthirtyseven
- Fivehundredthirtysix
- Fivehundredthirtyfive
- Fivehundredthirtyfour
- Fivehundredthirtythree
- Fivehundredthirtytwo
- Fivehundredthirtyone
- Fivehundredthirty
- Fivehundredtwentynine
- Fivehundredtwentyeight
- Fivehundredtwentyseven
- Fivehundredtwentysix
- Fivehundredtwentyfive
- Fivehundredtwentyfour
- Fivehundredtwentythree
- Fivehundredtwentytwo
- Fivehundredtwentyone
- Fivehundredtwenty
- Fivehundrednineteen
- Fivehundredeighteen
- Fivehundredseventeen
- Fivehundredsixteen
- Okay xD let us rewind to the past :p
- fivehundredfifteen
- Fivehundredfourteen
- Fivehundredthirteen
- Fivehundredtwelve
- Fivehundredeleven
- Fivehundredten
- Fivehundrednine
- Fivehundredeight
- Fivehundredseven
- Fivehundredsix
- Fivehundredfive
- Fivehundredfour
- Chapter 11
- Fivehundredthree
- Fivehundredtwo
- fanart by Jenshin
- Fivehundredone
- Fivehundred
- Fourhundredninetynine
- Fourhundredninetyeight
- Fourhundredninetyseven
- T.F. Girls Tarot Edition: The Magician, The Sun, and Death
- fourhundredninetysix
- Fourhundredninetyfive
- fourhundredninetyfour
- Fourhundredninetythree
- Fourhundredninetytwo
- Fourhundredninetyone
- Fourhundredninety
- Fourhundredeightynine
- Fourhundredeightyeight
- Fourhundredeightyseven
- Fourhundredeightysix
- Fourhundredeightyfive
- Fourhundredeightyfour
- Fourhundredeightythree
- fourhundredeightytwo
- Fourhundredeightyone
- Fourhundredeighty
- Fourhundredseventynine
- Fourhundredseventyeight
- Fourhundredseventyseven
- Fourhundredseventysix
- Fourhundredseventyfive
- Fourhundredseventyfour
- Fourhundredseventythree
- Fourhundredseventytwo
- Fourhundredseventyone
- Fourhundredseventy
- Fourhundredsixtynine
- Fourhundredsixtyeight
- Fourhundredsixtyseven
- Fourhundredsixtysix
- Fourhundredsixtyfive
- Fourhundredsixtyfour
- Fourhundredsixtythree
- Fanart of Sassy and Jinni from Bloodbound
- Fourhundredsixtytwo
- Fourhundredsixtyone
- Fourhundredsixty
- Fourhundredfiftynine
- Fourhundredfiftyeight
- New cover for The Faction
- Fourhundredfiftyseven
- Fourhundredfiftysix
- Fourhundredfiftyfive
- Fourhundredfiftyfour
- Fourhundredfiftythree
- Fanart: Magick
- Fourhundredfiftytwo
- Fourhundredfiftyone
- Fourhundredfifty
- Fourhundredfourtynine
- Fourhundredfourtyeight
- Fanart by patoborracho
- Fourhundredfourtyseven
- Fourhundredfourtysix
- Fourhundredfourtyfive
- Fourhundredfourtyfour
- Fourhundredfourtythree
- Fanart for Maya The legend of Wolf
Chapter 10
- Fourhundredfourtytwo
- Fourhundredfourtyone
- Fourhundredfourty
- Fourhundredthirtynine
- Kadiim
- Fourhundredthirtyeight
- Fourhundredthirtyseven
- Fourhundredthirtysix
- Fourhundredthirtyfive
- Fourhundredthirtyfour
- Fanart/ Cheryl from Fred Peterson: The Mighty Warlord
- Fourhundredthirtythree
- Fourhundredthirtytwo
- Fourhundredthirtyone
- Fourhundredthirty
- Fourhundredtwentynine
- Ratchet/Fire! ^^
- Fourhundredtwentyeight
- Fourhundredtwentyseven
- Fourhundredtwentysix
- Fourhundredtwentyfive
- Fourhundredtwentyfour
- Fourhundredtwentythree
- Fourhundredtwentytwo
- Fourhundredtwentyone
- Fourhundredtwenty
- Fourhundrednineteen
- Fourhundredeighteen
- Fourhundredseventeen
- Fourhundredsixteen
- Fourhundredfifteen
- Intermission - 5 - Victor
- Intermission - 4 - Young Pornpi (Orn) pre-war/11 years ago
- Intermission - 3 - Buttercup
- Fanart - Leona and The Architect
- Fanart - Seiko
- Intermission - 2 - Mota
- Intermission - 1 - Laci
- Fourhundredfourteen
- Fourhundredthirteen
- Fourhundredtwelve
- Fourhundredeleven
- Fourhundredten
- Fourhundrednine
- Fourhundredeight
- Fourhundredseven
- Fourhundredsix
- Fourhundredfive
- Fourhundredfour
- Fourhundredthree
- Fourhundredtwo
- Fourhundredone
- Fourhundred
- Threehundredninetynine
- Threehundredninetyeight
- Threehundredninetyseven
- Threehundredninetysix
- Threehundredninetyfive
- Threehundredninetyfour
- Threehundredninetythree
- Threehundredninetytwo
- Threehundredninetyone
- Threehundredninety
- Threehundredeightynine
- Threehundredeightyeight
- Threehundredeightyseven
- Threehundredeightysix
Chapter 9
- Threehundredeightyfive
- Threehundredeightyfour
- threehundredeightythree
- threehundredeightytwo
- Threehundredeightyone
- Threehundredeighty
- Threehundredseventynine
- (Pornpi) Fun Doodle
- Threehundredseventyeight
- Threehundredseventyseven
- Threehundredseventysix
- Threehundredseventyfive
- Threehundredseventyfour
- Threehundredseventythree
- Threehundredseventytwo
- Threehudnredseventyone
- Threehundredseventy
- Threehundredsixtynine
- Threehundredsixtyeight
- Threehundredsixtyseven
- Fanart By Kawaiidaigakusai
- Threehundredsixtysix
- Threehundredsixtyfive
- Threehundredsixtyfour
- Threehundredsixtythree
- Threehundredsixtytwo
- Threehundredsixtyone
- Threehundredsixty
- Threehundredfiftynine
- Threehundredfiftyeight
- Threehundredfiftyseven
- Threehundredfiftysix
- Threehundredfiftyfive
- Threehundredfiftyfour
- Twohundredfiftythree
- Twohundredfiftytwo
- Threehundredfiftyone
- Threehundredfifty
- Threehundredfourtynine
- Threehundredfourtyeight
- Threehundredfourtyseven
- Threehundredfourtysix
- Threehundredfourtyfive
- Threehundredfourtyfour
- Threehundredfourtythree
- Threehundredfourtytwo
- Threehundredfourtyone
- Threehundredfourty
- Threehundredthirtynine
- Threehundredthirtyeight
- Threehundredthirtyseven
- Another fill page ^^;
- Threehundredthirtysix
- Threehundredthirtyfive
- Threehundredthirtyfour
- Threehundredthirtythree
- Threehundredthirtytwo
- Serena Fill
- Threehundredthirtyone
- Threehundredthirty
- Threehundredtwentynine
- Threehundredtwentyeight
- Threehundredtwentyseven
- Threehundredtwentysix
- Threehundredtwentyfive
- Threehundredtwentyfour
- Threehundredtwentythree
- Threehundredtwentytwo
- Threehundredtwentyone
- Threehundredtwenty
- Threehundrednineteen
- Threehundredeighteen
- Threehundredseventeen
Chapter 8
- Threehundredsixteen
- Threehundredfifteen
- Threehundredfourteen
- Threehundredthirteen
- Threehundredtwelve
- Threehundredeleven
- Threehundredten
- Threehundrednine
- Threehundredeight
- Threehundredseven
- Ratchet by Popenfresh
- Threehundredsix
- Threehundredfive
- Threehundredfour
- Threehundredthree
- Threehundredtwo
- Threehundredone
- Threehundred
- Twohundredninetynine
- Artimus Fanart By Flamen Tenebrarum
- Twohundredninetyeight
- Twohundredninetyseven
- Twohundredninetysix
- Twohundredninetyfive
- Twohundredninetyfour
- Twohundredninetythree
- Twohundredninetytwo
- Twohundredninetyone
- Twohundredninety
- Twohundredeightynine
- Twohundredeightyeight
- Twohundredeightyseven
- Twohundredeightysix
- Twhohundredeightyfive
- Twohundredeightyfour
- Twohundredeightythree
- Laci
- Twohundredeightytwo
- Twohundredeightyone
- Twohundredeighty
- Twohundredseventynine
- Twohundredseventyeight
- Twohundredseventyseven
- Twohundredseventysix
- Twohundredseventyfive
- Twohundredseventyfour
- Twohundredseventythree
- Twohundredseventytwo
- Twohundredseventyone
- Twohundredseventy
- Twohundredsixtynine
- Artimus
- Twohundredsixtyeight
- Twohundredsixyseven
- Twohundredsixtysix
- Twohundredsixtyfive
- Twohundredsixtyfour
- Twohundredsixtythree
- Twohundredsixtytwo
- Twohundredsixtyone
- Twohundredsixty
- Twohundredfiftyeight
- Orn Fill
- Twohundredfiftyeight
- Fanart by Jenshin
- Twohundredfiftyseven
- Twohundredfiftysix
- Twohundredfiftyfive
- Twohundrefiftyfour
- Twohundredfiftythree
- Twohundredfiftytwo
- Twohundredfiftyone
- Twohundredfifty
- Twohundredfourtynine
Chapter 7
- Twohundrefourtyeight
- Twohundredfourtyseven
- Twohundredfourtysix
- Twohundredfourtyfive
- Twohundredfourtyfour
- Twohundredfourtythree
- Twohundredfourtytwo
- Twohundredfourtyone
- Twohundredfourty
- Twohundredthirtynine
- Twohundredthirtyeight
- Twohundredseven
- Twohundredthirtysix
- Twohundredthirtyfive
- No update today! :3
- Twohundredthirtyfour
- Twohundredthirtythree
- Twohundredthirtytwo
- Twohundredthirtyone
- Twohundredthirty
- Twohundredtwentynine
- Twohundredtwentyeight
- Twohundredtwentyseven
- Twohundredtwentysix
- Twohundredtwentyfive
- Twohundredtwentyfour
- Twohundredtwentythree
- Twohundredtwentytwo
- Twohundredtwentyone
- Twohundredtwenty
- Twohundrednineteen
- Twohundredeighteen
- Mota sketch
- Twohundredseventeen
- Twohundredsixteen
- Twohundredfifteen
- Twohundredfourteen
- Twohundredthirtheen
- Twohundredtwelve
- Twohundredeleven
- Twohundredten
- Twohundrednine
- Twohundredeight
- Filtered picture of Ratchet
- Twohundredseven
- Twohundredsix
- Twohundredfive
- Twohundredfour
- Twohundredthree
- Twohundredtwo
Chapter 6
- Twohundredone
- Twohundred
- Onehundredninetynine
- Onehundredninetyeight
- Onehundredninetyseven
- Onehundredninetysix
- Onehundredninetyfive
- Onehundredninetyfour
- Onehundredninetythree
- Onehundredninetytwo
- Onehundredninetyone
- Onehundredninety
- Onehundredeightynine
- Onehundredeightyeight
- Look! It's Buttercup!
- Yup :3 another fill up page :s
- Onehundredeightyseven
- Onehundredeightysix
- Onehundredeightyfive
- Onehundredeightyfour
- Onehundredeightythree
- Fanart of Mota and Laci by Usedbooks
- Onehundredeightytwo
- Onehundredeightyone
- Onehundredeighty
- So sorry ^^;;;;....One last filler :3
- Onehundredseventynine
- Filler of Mota on Laci ^^
- Onehundredseventyeight
- Onehundredseventyseven
- Onehundredseventysix
- Onehundredseventyfive
- Onehundredseventyfour
- Onehundredseventythree
- Onehundredseventytwo
- Fanart of Ratchet by Lancedanger
- Onehundredseventyone
- Just a lil something I made a long time ago :3
- Onehundredseventy
- Onehundredsixtynine
- Onehundredsixtyeight
- Onehundredsixtyseven
- Onehundredsixtysix
- Concept art of Laci
- Onehundredsixtyfive
- Onehundredsixtyfour
- Onehundredsixtythree
- Onehundredsixtytwo
- Fanart of Laci by Darknessfalls
- Onehundredsixtyone
- Onehundredsixty
- Onehundredfiftynine
- Onehundredfiftyeight
- Fanart of Serena by Flamen Tenebrarum
- Onehundredfiftyseven
- Fanart by Triss
- Fanart of Ratchet by Jgib99
- Fanart of Ratchet By Flamen Tenebrarum
- Onehundredfiftysix
- Onehundredfiftyfive
- Onehundredfiftyfour
- Onehundredfiftythree
- Onehundredfiftytwo
- Onehhundredfiftyone
- Onehundredfifty
- Onehundredfourtynine
- Onehundredfourtyeight
- Onehundredfourtyseven
- Onehundredfourtysix
- Onehundredfourtyfive
- onehundredfourtyfour
- Onehundredfourtythree
- Onehundredfourtytwo
- Onehundredfourtyone
- Onehundredfourty
- Onehundredthirtynine
- Onehundredthirtyeight
- Onehundredthirtyseven
- Onehundredthirtysix
- Onehundredthirtyfive
- Onehundredthirtyfour
- Onehundredthirtythree
- Onehundredthirtytwo
- Onehundredthirtyone
- Onehundredthirty
- Onehundredtwentynine
- Onehundredtwentyeight
- Onehundredtwentyseven
- Onehundredtwentysix
- Onehundredtwentyfive
- Onehundredtwentyfour
- Onehundredtwentythree
- Onehundredtwentytwo
- Onehundredtwentyone
- Onehundredtwenty
- Onehundrednineteen
- Onehundredeighteen
- Onehundredseventeen
- Onehundredsixteen
- onehundredfifteen
- Onehundredfourteen
- Onehundredthirteen
- Onehundredtwelve
- Onehundredeleven
- Onehundredten
- Onehundrednine
- Onehundredeight
- Onehundredseven
- Onehundredsix
Chapter 4
- Onehundredfive
- Onehundredfour
- Onehundredthree
- Onehundredtwo
- Onehundredone
- onehundred
- Ninetynine
- Ninetyeight
- Ninetyseven
- Ninetysix
- Ninetyfive
- Ninetyfour
- Ninetythree
- Ninetytwo
- Filler page
- Fanart by LanceDanger
- Ninetyone
- Ninety
- Eightynine
- Eightyeight
- Eightyseven
- Eightysix
- EightyFive
- Eightyfour
- Eightythree
- Eightytwo
- Eightyone
- Eighty
- Fanart of Serena By Rana
- Seventynine
- Seventyeight
- Seventyseven
- Seventysix
- seventyfive
- Seventyfour
- Seventythree
- Seventytwo
- Seventyone
- Seventy
- sixtynine
Chapter 3
- Sixtyeight
- Sixtyseven
- Sixtysix
- Sixtyfive
- sixtyfour
- sixtythree
- sixtytwo
- sixtyone
- Sixty
- Fanart
- Fiftynine
- Fiftyeight
- Fiftyseven
- Fiftysix
- Fiftyfive
- Fiftyfour
- Fiftythree
- Fiftytwo
- Fiftyone
- Fifty
- Fourtynine
- Fourtyeight
- Fourtyseven
- Fourtysix
- Fourtyfive
- Fourtyfour
- Fourtythree
- Fourtytwo
- Fourtyone
- Fourty
- Thirtynine
Chapter 2
- Thirtyeight
- Thirtyseven
- Thirtysix
- Thirtyfive
- Thirtyfour
- Thirtythree
- Thirtytwo
- Thirtyone
- Thirty
- Twentynine
- Twentyeight
- Twentyseven
- Twentysix
- Twentyfive
- Twentyfour
- twentythree
- Twentytwo
- Twenty one
- twenty
- Nineteen
- eighteen
- seventeen
- sixteen
- fifteen
- fourteen
- Thirteen
- twelve
- eleven
- ten
- nine
- eight
- seven
- six
- five
Chapter 1
- four
- three
- two
- One
Front page
Peipei on Oct. 25, 2009
Thanks everyone for your patience and support :3. I present you with a page this Monday! Yay! :p
Ark22 at 4:28PM, May 4, 2010
Since when did all the organization of different chapters disappear? o.0
Jenshin at 5:24PM, March 14, 2010
I was really surprised to come back to this and find not a single update!! I've been wondering and wondering how the story would end... It's the heat of the fight! Don't remake it - don't worry about the past and keep on going into the future!
Peipei at 9:55PM, March 13, 2010
Hi guys :D I do plan to bring this webcomic back someday :3. Just needed to take a break to build up more creativity so to speak :p. I might even remake this thing sometime too xD who knows?
artie4 at 5:03AM, March 10, 2010
Dude! Where are you? Hope you haven't fallen off the egde of the world. Also hope all's well. Artie
XanderXeroFiasco at 1:01AM, Jan. 28, 2010
the colors you do always get me drawn in. i hope you continue this story
Jenshin at 2:42AM, Nov. 22, 2009
She didn't seem too happy with him from the start.
paolog at 12:13PM, Nov. 9, 2009
as always
shaneronzio at 3:42AM, Nov. 6, 2009
EmilyTheStrange at 8:36PM, Nov. 3, 2009
Great job on the effects!
Freakeh at 9:40AM, Nov. 1, 2009
Sounds like the "kill me" dude suspects that Serena doesn't have the resolve to kill him. Well, perhaps she didn't before, but if he keeps riling her up like that she might... XD
armandoB at 2:16PM, Oct. 27, 2009
nice lighting effect
Janen at 9:29AM, Oct. 27, 2009
I agree with artdude, he sounds suspiciously willing to die.
HiNaTa_fan_13 at 8:22AM, Oct. 27, 2009
kitsunesan at 9:59PM, Oct. 26, 2009
I love the effects on this page
ghostrunner at 8:43PM, Oct. 26, 2009
uh oh
artdude2002 at 5:14PM, Oct. 26, 2009
He sounds a little too willing.
worstcase at 3:34PM, Oct. 26, 2009
Oooohhh...i hate decisions.
Warpedwenger at 2:05PM, Oct. 26, 2009
@ Jinxminx: Maybe he's like Obi One and he'll become more powerful than she can imagine.
ShinuZero at 11:42AM, Oct. 26, 2009
JinxMinx at 8:07AM, Oct. 26, 2009
Hrm usually when people say to kill them it's because they're miserable or they can't die.
Brogan at 10:16PM, Oct. 25, 2009
If I had a nickel for every tome that happened to me... :P
usedbooks at 10:11PM, Oct. 25, 2009
Ugh. I hate it when people tell me to kill them. Makes you suspicious.
Anubis at 10:03PM, Oct. 25, 2009
ohhhh to kill or not to kill