Cover page
Hamorhage on Nov. 7, 2006
I finally came up with a suiting cover for The Flea and thought I would put up while I'm working on the new page. Well, after I finished my essay…eeeww.
And then I'll have enough time to start criticising all the Duck comics again :D muhahahaaa
Knuckles at 8:19AM, Nov. 15, 2006
wow this is crazy pro-work @_@
dylan627 at 1:01PM, Nov. 12, 2006
NVM-.- I new
dylan627 at 1:00PM, Nov. 12, 2006
Here lol
dylan627 at 1:00PM, Nov. 12, 2006
Oh, heres a 5
dylan627 at 1:00PM, Nov. 12, 2006
I love this
Nigellashade at 12:08PM, Nov. 12, 2006
This cover page reminds me of Silent Hill O_O ohhh... The atmosphere holds a chilling sense into this page, the colors are very much in depth, in creating a dark scenery. (Mysterious, & Chaotic) I would be almost visualize a Pyramid head walking into this scene, at any time. Awesome page graphics...Very impressive.. ~M~ v~~~~v
hpkomic at 12:41AM, Nov. 12, 2006
Excellent splash page here sir.
anonymous at 9:20AM, Nov. 11, 2006
That was sweeeeet
PolarMagnet at 10:09PM, Nov. 8, 2006
Yay! You're back! You are one of the only people who can draw something well enough for me to emotionally react to it. (Usually with fear)
Generic Human at 5:07PM, Nov. 8, 2006
Ugh...creeps me out! This has got a great feel. It definatly leaves me feeling uneasy, especially the fact that he's covering her mouth. I hope you were going for that mood.
Ozoneocean at 4:09PM, Nov. 8, 2006
Funky image there Ham, it reminds me of wax or oil crayons, with ink washes, and digital touch-ups. Very disturbing pic! You're doing Flea again? WOOT!
Adariel at 3:39PM, Nov. 8, 2006
a dark foreboding cover, this is great!
subcultured at 3:13PM, Nov. 8, 2006
yer crazy man. that looks so silent hellish. you've really captured the colors for this scene. nice mix of red and green. always the wierd colors that mix well in scenes like this. great stuff!
alejkhan at 3:08PM, Nov. 8, 2006
eeewww....hanging things....and chains............. I really like how scratchy the whole thing is.
Maulgryve at 12:14PM, Nov. 8, 2006
That guys glasses make him look creepy.
SarahN at 10:52AM, Nov. 8, 2006
Ooo, atmospheric and scary! Freakin' amazing cover! =O
Hero at 9:31AM, Nov. 8, 2006
Nice, resembles a giant claw (as mentioned before) or spider dropping down onto unfortunate Conner there.
Tantz_Aerine at 8:29AM, Nov. 8, 2006
Very appropriately eerie! *thumbs up*
Darkmax at 8:27AM, Nov. 8, 2006
Very Dark good story into new Fav
Darwin at 5:18AM, Nov. 8, 2006
That is definitely a moody cover! I like it, it fits the comic like a glove! I sure can't wait to see what the future pages hold! Great stuff, good to see you back again! Later! Darwin
iagojester at 4:57AM, Nov. 8, 2006
oooo, creepy cover!! I'll shamefully admit I don't know what it is that looms above their heads, but the imposing claw-like things around them are a sure-fire indicator of danger. DANGER, man! Woot, glad you posted this, I worry when you're quiet for too long.
Mazoo at 4:42AM, Nov. 8, 2006
Hamorhage is back! Yay! I really like this cover! The colors blend well to make such an ominous atmosphere, and I really like how Sean's (is that his name...?) glasses stick out and look like they are glowing.