Chapter2 page053
What A Life on Sept. 19, 2006
10 more days until the deadline for the fan art contest… :D
so far, i haven't got any yet :( XP
but i'm waiting ;.
oh yea, omg, guess what happened?
(this has nothing to do with the manga)
My stupid bro crumpled half a page of my art project
I'm so fricking mad at him
Cus i spent like 5 hrs on it (tho it wasn't finished) and i wasn't there at that time)
I really really wanna kill him >:-[
Kagomas at 3:36AM, Sept. 27, 2006
*Alarm sounds* Looks like there's a dramatic exit going on here!
Blackberry14 at 7:16AM, Sept. 26, 2006
Suspense! *wiggles fingers*
thisberichard at 2:14PM, Sept. 25, 2006
Just finished. And I adore it. Keep up the great work!
What A Life at 5:41PM, Sept. 23, 2006
thx for your comment^^ but, um, what's wrong with ch1 pg41? i went to look at it, but i don't see anything wrong with the pg or is it something else? (idk >.~)
waffle at 3:45PM, Sept. 23, 2006
i dont know why it didnt appear last time, but i want to say, look at chapter 1 pg 41. srry bout double post
waffle at 3:44PM, Sept. 23, 2006
ur 's really good and looks JUST like a pro . thats AWESOME! p.s. some of the face perspective is a little weird.
xkyuketsuki at 5:46PM, Sept. 20, 2006
beautiful artwork. Great stuff with the screentones.
CZweig at 5:38PM, Sept. 20, 2006
Aww, sorry about what happened to your art project :[ Though, I had no idea there was a fanart contest! I'll see if I can't enter something ^^ The new page looks great
shany at 5:27PM, Sept. 20, 2006
man... I'd be pissed if I was him too... >_> Poor guy...