20 year... challenge?

Avart on Jan. 28, 2020

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to share this little retrospective of my old drawings that I posted a few months back in this thread by Emma Clare.

I called it 20 year challenge because in 1999 I just lost all the motivation to keep drawing and it was a boring and horrifying thing to me back then… I can't explain why.

The first images were from a story called Ziria, it was all about a warrior who has a half dragon heart and his name is Zero. Some sketches of him and a girl called Kamin (can't remember why I called her like that or the name's meaning) who has red hair… I think I have a weakness for redheads XD.

Then there's the panels of the first part in which Zero's pod falls from sky and the villagers rescue him. The brown hair girl is Adrienne (a greek name) who is kinda like Kamin. Did I mentioned Kamin is Zero's sister? Well, I like to make things complicated :S. Maybe later I'll show you a bit more of this comic.

All that was from my sketchbook made with my mechanical pencil (it still survives after all this years and works awesome!). The color panels were made with traditional ink, and colored pencils and they are still alive XD.

The bottom images, well, I don't need to explain because you're walking with me this gloomy road.

Thanks for your support!