Chapter 3: The Crow That Burned It's Wings

hieifan1 on Sept. 15, 2009

I'M SO SORRY!!!! I really have no excuse for not posting in so long, other than the fact that I got the summer lazies. Sorry!!!! This chapter ought to be super fun and action packed. It will also be better drawn! I've decided not to half-ass anything and draw it on the computer. (computer = amamzingness)

Well, a little bit of this chapter is based off of an old myth about why the crow is black. I'll post it for those who don't know, but not until towards the end, so as not to spoil anything.

Since drawing in photoshop takes about 2 hours longer, I think I might update once per week, maybe fridays! But I WILL TRY!! For some reason, teachers this year LOVE to give homework. Loads of it.

Thank you to all who have this still favorited!
