Shadow the Genie!

Autobobby1 on March 22, 2009

Even as early as this, I was considering changing to Advance sprites again.

Also, this little custom background in panels 2 and 3 has a bit of a backstory. Originally, the comic would start with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles searching for treasure. Instead, they find Shadow, locked inside a capsule. Shadow would then go on to live with them, and then the comic would begin.

I believe that it was at this point that I submitted HoS to be a Bob and George fancomic. I got a response from Liss (the author's wife and co-webmaster) saying that they were very good, and that if I made at least 30 issues of this, then she would show it to Dave himself, and it could possibly become a BnG fancomic. When I replied…no response. I got tired of waiting for Dave to respond, but I couldn't have any other site if I wanted to be on BnG and get a ton of fans.

On May 17th, 2007, I opened up the Smack Jeeves site with no hope for the BnG status. But it was a good move, because I now have 123 fans on Smack Jeeves as of writing this.