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KAM on June 27, 2007
This is part of the Fantasy Wars phase Crossover Wars (maybe)
KAM at 10:26PM, July 3, 2007
Thanks all! :-) [url=]The follow-up at Magical Misfits[/url]
Ozmandious at 11:33AM, June 29, 2007
At least the note is in an obvious location...
Hogan at 1:23PM, June 28, 2007
Hehehehehhe... awesome! :P
Ickus at 12:13PM, June 28, 2007
AK_Brando at 8:56AM, June 28, 2007
OW! My sides hurt now! Awesome job, mate!
I heart artists at 7:29AM, June 28, 2007
magicalmisfits at 7:15AM, June 28, 2007
Good grief that is awesome. Poor Wheels. When I was on the ship my ship mates used to write me little notes on my dome while I slept. Poor Wheels
2ndwnd at 7:13AM, June 28, 2007
Like the back of the bald head... cool.
Ozoneocean at 1:55AM, June 28, 2007
They look very attractive in their Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson garb ^^
KAM at 10:26PM, July 3, 2007
Thanks all! :-) [url=]The follow-up at Magical Misfits[/url]
Ozmandious at 11:33AM, June 29, 2007
At least the note is in an obvious location...
Hogan at 1:23PM, June 28, 2007
Hehehehehhe... awesome! :P
Ickus at 12:13PM, June 28, 2007
AK_Brando at 8:56AM, June 28, 2007
OW! My sides hurt now! Awesome job, mate!
I heart artists at 7:29AM, June 28, 2007
magicalmisfits at 7:15AM, June 28, 2007
Good grief that is awesome. Poor Wheels. When I was on the ship my ship mates used to write me little notes on my dome while I slept. Poor Wheels
2ndwnd at 7:13AM, June 28, 2007
Like the back of the bald head... cool.
Ozoneocean at 1:55AM, June 28, 2007
They look very attractive in their Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson garb ^^