A New Beginning - Page 1

AbbyStabby on May 21, 2017

Welp its finally here guys!! The first page of my The Legend of Spyro comic.

Unfortunately, as I said before, it’s gonna be update whenever I have that time. And that’s between my Patreon/SFA comic, retail job, and other stuff I may feel like drawing in the future. But I feel like getting this out is a pretty big step! Hopefully it won’t take me a million years to make each page of this. I have a lot of ideas I’d like to share. c:

Oh, as a side note, I know the original names for Sparx’s parents are Nina and Flash, but I didn’t much care for those names. To me they were bad names for this kind of world and these kinds of characters. Plus one of their names is gonna help with a bit of lore I made up!

Quick shout out to my writing partner T.Y. for proof reading my dialogue! He always has such a way with words.