Let's Get the Plot Rolling Again...

luvtehcomix on May 24, 2009

Don't worry Navia, we forgot, too. So, hey guys. Yes, I know, two and a half weeks late, I suck. This was due in part to:
1) general laziness
2) forgetting to switch up my drawing soundtrack (puts me in a rut)
3) not having played any Zelda for way too long, now
So, some news has amassed since I've been gone*.
You may have noticed that the page looks brighter than usual. Well, I stumbled upon better scan settings for my pages, and have begun a crusade to fix all my other pages. I already fixed up Chaos Fist, and will start re-uploading EoT soon.
Also, I have auditioned for an Original Character Tournament on deviantart. You can find my audition on my account there. If I get in, then it'll come with a good news/bad news scenario. The good news is that I'll get to compete against a bunch of other artist through comics (yay!). The bad news is that I'll have significantly less time for EoT and Chaos Fist for up to a few months. I'll know for sure around the beginning of July, so until then, I'll try to update as regularly as I can. Also, chapter two of Chaos Fist should be up by then.
*not actually gone, just not updating.

P.S. Has anyone really listened to Ilia's theme(from Twilight Princess)? The character herself may be kinda bitchy, but she has an honestly beautiful theme song.