(1) A Fresh Beginning
ShadowScar Knight on April 24, 2009
And here it is, the rebirth of TMDI, with a brighter and more pleasant future up ahead!
Yes, slightly changed format and style. I want this to look good if it's gonna get a new start. D:
and in case you're wondering why Rama and Moritz have different robes, that's because they need some touching up.
Gaddick at 11:20PM, Dec. 3, 2011
He'll live, this is nothing! ...Now if a giant shows up after they die... that could be problematic.
GoldenKirbichu at 2:58PM, May 4, 2009
Oh crap a wall of Imps. D:
Lobowolf at 12:24PM, April 27, 2009
Oh no forest imps. Whatever shall he do?
Devvy at 1:47PM, April 25, 2009
Forest imp armies pissed me off my whole life
Roygbiv at 11:53AM, April 25, 2009
T... Touching up?
Silversonic at 9:42AM, April 25, 2009
Just use Lit set to hit all enemies. They'll get all crispy!
yugi67 at 5:46AM, April 25, 2009
I'm sure Odell can take on an army of imps by himself and win, if not then I'm going to 50 bucks on my bet