Page 143
smbhax on Jan. 24, 2012
This is the final page of The Princess and the Giant; I have had to admit to myself that I no longer have–nor have I had for a while now–the time to devote to doing a weekend strip properly. This is unfair to the Princess, the Giant, and most of all to you, the reader, but there it is.
Thank you very, very much for reading. I have greatly appreciated every comment and piece of support, criticism, and feedback that I have received from the many generous and caring people with whom I have had the privilege of interacting over the course of this silent adventure. Thank you!~~
smbhax at 3:51PM, March 4, 2012
Thanks! :)
Jamie59 at 6:27PM, Feb. 27, 2012
Aw man. It was good wile it lasted.
smbhax at 3:21PM, Feb. 27, 2012
Thanks, man. I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for all your encouraging comments. :)
Call Me Tom at 11:47PM, Feb. 26, 2012
Awwww. Its a shame to see her go but you gotta do what you feel is best. So I just want to thank you for sharing this wonder full adventure with us!