Leo design by Sophie

skyangel on Aug. 11, 2011

A really scottish feel about this design and it's really got a heavy wearing look to it so I think Leo might wear this while belting out something aggressively heavy metal in a Glasgow pub!
Love the skirt and again with the straps hanging down almost like a pair of unused braces.
She's put a lot of thought into this and tartan is bold and very bust patternwise so it's nice to see the plain top and exposed flesh balance it nicely out. I particularly like the interwoven arm design and the fact that both arms are dressed differently but in complement to the overall tartan look as well as the ballet style ribbons running up the legs and into the tights which too are both sexy and uniform to the look. The choice of colouring on the whole here is tasty, vibrant and demands the outfit to be looked at!
Thanks Sophie :)