You really shouldnt report people... they might get pissed, report all of your snipes, and you will be frozen till doomsday...
...on second thought, keep reporting.
I am here to apologise to you for not being civil about the way I commented about your comic. It was unjustified and cruel. I was just very angry at the time and needed to vent my anger onto something.
But could you please not leave unjustified crticisim in your comments either, they are not nice to read.
at 6:12PM, Feb. 11, 2006
wow. the funniest thing is that you have the gall to report other people, when you post nothing but darts
you see, this is why people don't like sprite comics. they see this and judge the rest of us by this disgrace. please do not sully the name of sprite comics any further than you already have.
(this is in responce to your comment on the sonic online page) How dare you put someone elses comic down without a reason and while you obviously can't do any better yourself. I curse you my good sir!
This comic broke sevral things on my computer, it's also broken my heart, my hope in n00bmanity, and my eyes.
You have not the right to ever call yourself a sprite author ever AGAIN.
WhiteJet at 3:01PM, March 7, 2006
Oh...god.... The horror.... Make it stop!!!
anonymous at 8:23PM, Feb. 27, 2006
You really shouldnt report people... they might get pissed, report all of your snipes, and you will be frozen till doomsday... ...on second thought, keep reporting.
Rianeva at 11:44AM, Feb. 13, 2006
I really want to think this is sarcasm, but there isn't enough suffusion of yellow.
Kagomas at 6:50AM, Feb. 12, 2006
I am here to apologise to you for not being civil about the way I commented about your comic. It was unjustified and cruel. I was just very angry at the time and needed to vent my anger onto something. But could you please not leave unjustified crticisim in your comments either, they are not nice to read.
anonymous at 6:12PM, Feb. 11, 2006
wow. the funniest thing is that you have the gall to report other people, when you post nothing but darts
shadowmaster at 4:57PM, Feb. 11, 2006
you see, this is why people don't like sprite comics. they see this and judge the rest of us by this disgrace. please do not sully the name of sprite comics any further than you already have.
Kagomas at 2:00PM, Feb. 11, 2006
(this is in responce to your comment on the sonic online page) How dare you put someone elses comic down without a reason and while you obviously can't do any better yourself. I curse you my good sir!
Rob at 1:54PM, Feb. 11, 2006
8bitbluemage at 1:30PM, Feb. 11, 2006
No one wants to get in trouble for Sniping.
snakeman at 2:26PM, Feb. 6, 2006
why are there so many anonymous people?
anonymous at 6:01PM, Feb. 5, 2006
Mr. Cool, I've seen your comments on other peoples comments, I've seen these comics, I think its safe to say you're.a.disgrace!
anonymous at 10:27PM, Feb. 4, 2006
u do not have a comic loser! Get lost!
Slr at 11:22AM, Feb. 3, 2006
This comic broke sevral things on my computer, it's also broken my heart, my hope in n00bmanity, and my eyes. You have not the right to ever call yourself a sprite author ever AGAIN.
makisstyle at 6:21AM, Jan. 31, 2006
What the F*** is your GODD*** problem, Mrcool!!! I pity you, I really do.
anonymous at 12:46PM, Jan. 30, 2006
Vaati at 7:17PM, Jan. 29, 2006
Seems like a spoof to me, but really, it wasn't funny the first time.
anonymous at 4:25PM, Jan. 29, 2006
0ro at 2:27PM, Jan. 29, 2006
my eyes burn...
0ro at 2:27PM, Jan. 29, 2006
my eyes burn...
Toonster at 2:26PM, Jan. 29, 2006
You get a 3 for 3ffort. I'm just feeling nice and generous today. Don't expect anything higher than a 2 from me anytime soon.
Darkside at 1:51PM, Jan. 29, 2006
Your funny
The Commander at 11:43AM, Jan. 29, 2006
I know.I beleive it's him.I need proof it isn't.
anonymous at 11:33AM, Jan. 29, 2006
The only proof I have showing that anonymous 5 giver is actually Mrcool is that they spell EXACTLY the same.
zactheninja at 11:25AM, Jan. 29, 2006
Watch out for that slappin hand
anonymous at 11:23AM, Jan. 29, 2006