1000th Special part 3 - 01

Sephi on July 12, 2015

This is it, it's the final part. No introduction here. Just a good old party where only VIPs are admited. I had to tighten the security this time. I often used Kaiser Sigma as my bodyguard and we alse have Aras, UMX's bodyguard (rebuilt after being destroyed by the Links) and of course the three Links that will unleash hell on everyone who try to sneak inside. It's a bit messy but that's how I wanted it to be. Something simple with everyone doing whatever they want to. This will mark the end of this special. Sorry it took way longer than I thought but I'm glad I've been able to do it.

Thanks to all of you guys for reading my comic for so long and see you again next time (don't expect a 2000th special though).