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Mystic Hand on Jan. 2, 2007
Edit: The Duck redesign killed many of the pages. I might restart this comic with a new artist soon, but it's been trapped in a coffin for quite a while now.
If you like vampires and gothic Lolita fashion, take a look at the following preview pages and tell us what you think. The art and designs are all by ANZU.
~HABE (Mystic Hand)
Luccia at 6:43PM, March 28, 2010
Dude! I totally forgot this was on DD
XxVampNekoxX at 6:09PM, Feb. 6, 2009
you have beautiful art work
lucas at 1:52PM, Jan. 6, 2009
man, youve got some time in your hands!
draconia11 at 8:00PM, Dec. 27, 2008
Holy crap! You should be drawing professional manga!
Mystic Hand at 11:19PM, Nov. 5, 2008
Yeah, if things had gone according to plan, this would have been finished just before vampires came back in style again. Now it's doomed to seem like a copycat.
Keiiri Mitari at 4:09PM, Oct. 13, 2008
O_o; Wowww. Beautiful. :]
sword_dagger at 1:01PM, June 6, 2008
Your so nice at drawing. This is totally cool.
Demons_and_Purgatory at 7:39PM, May 17, 2008
I think I just died and your art brought me back to life. I bow to your majesty.
flyingwind66 at 3:19AM, Nov. 20, 2007
HOLY %*&^*( O.O omg! that's SO beautiful! fan of Kaori Yuki? XD aw man! fav-d
anonymous at 12:25AM, Oct. 16, 2007
The girls all look a bit like teen boys and the writing's a little gay.
Equanimity88 at 10:30PM, July 1, 2007
uhh okay my jaw has officialy droped. i bow before your amazing talent. *bow*
booger at 2:28PM, May 21, 2007
o.0 wow!!
fugli at 3:51PM, March 23, 2007
This is beautiful work!
anystar at 6:09PM, Jan. 15, 2007
Wooow, you've got some beautiful work here :D Can't wait to read more
mayshing at 8:59PM, Jan. 9, 2007
wow... good stuff. I thank you for commenting and checking out my manga. Lovely work here, I will take my browse.
Ihomaru at 9:03AM, Jan. 3, 2007
Wow your artwork looks amazing! Keep up the hard work
Tommie Kelly at 9:00AM, Jan. 3, 2007
Wow, this looks great. Let me know when it starting proper!