Filler #4: Even More Photos (Intermission 4)

Andore Mordre on June 14, 2020

So when we all went out to eat for Kelly’s birthday last April, we brought Elizabeth and Raoul with us, and then we started taking pictures, and we got a little crazy with the picture taking. By the end of the evening, we had enough for another filler page, and I’ve wanted to do more of these ever since the first ones.

And while the filler pages aren’t really canon to the rest of the comic, I really love the idea of Elizabeth and Raoul meeting and doing stuff in future arcs. Hopefully one day.


From left to right clockwise: Raoul looking very disapprovingly at the salad; Elizabeth helps herself to a peanut; Raoul admiring the display of meat cuts (and trying not to drool); Raoul looking very pleased at the entree; Elizabeth wrapped up in a napkin, kinda looking like a Sith Lord; Elizabeth and Raoul look at the ice cream that the servers brought out when they were told we were here celebrating my birthday.

This was fun to make, hope you guys like it! ^_^