Chapter One: "All is well in Hell"
Manga_Gothic on March 9, 2008
I love this song so much I just had to use it for the title for the first chapter. This is an image from the Movie Version of Tinsel City, currently in the works as we speak, soundtrack pending :)
Hope you like it. Part one up on Tuesday
warefish at 3:54AM, Aug. 18, 2008
I'd have to say that so far this is looking downright AWESOME!! I really like the dystopia aspect to it.
Mistform at 7:12PM, March 12, 2008
Looks pretty cool, I hope to see more.
Short_Circuiting at 3:22PM, March 10, 2008
you're actually making a movie, too? friggin sweet. have you already recorded voices and began animation? btw, this page looks great!