Total Randomness Issue #3

Sakura Courage Solo on June 22, 2009

Okay, unless you were on the Shadow of a Hedgehog message boards a few years back, you MAY not get this joke. Shaun was a member of the boards who did a comic called “Sonic Unreal”, whereas Shadow was ‘fired’ from the comic in one issue. Well, as it usually went on SoaH for the simple fact we were always breaking the fourth wall, we had a little comic crossover here and thus Shadow fangirl Vanna is taking out her frustrations on the author who fired Shadow from his comic. XD

Shadi: Belongs to ShadigoXPossible. Sprites by ShadigoXPossible.
Vahn: Belongs to Vahn. Sprites by me.
Dioxaz: Belongs to Dioxaz. Sprites by Adamis.
Vanna: Belongs to me. Sprites by me.
Shaun: Belongs to Shaun. Sprites by Shaun.