You left us alone Sammie…. How could you just leave Sammie?… Help us Sammie… It's not too late Sammie… Come help us Sammie… Come Back to Silent Hill Sammie… Come Back to SIlent Hill Sammie…. Come Back…
Wow! very very good! Great even! The only thing is that it's kind of hard to place the text sometimes when you do it like this, so I would encourage speech bubbles.
How about Jackie Chan in silent hill next?
Evil_Snuffkin at 5:27PM, Feb. 24, 2007
Wow, you captured the creepiness of SH perfectly. That game scare the hell out of me tho ^_^'
Darkmax at 12:27PM, Nov. 13, 2006
Very nice
Kagomas at 5:34AM, Nov. 13, 2006
Wow! very very good! Great even! The only thing is that it's kind of hard to place the text sometimes when you do it like this, so I would encourage speech bubbles. How about Jackie Chan in silent hill next?
ShinGen at 1:42AM, Nov. 13, 2006
Oh my God I love this. 0.0