ablazemedia on May 17, 2008
Well, this is it. The launch of the Tozzer webcomic. We were going to call it “Planet Peckerwood”, but let's face it, that would be daft, so sorry to all those confused peeps out there who joined the Planet Peckerwood train. That train has now departed, to be replaced by the Tozzer Express. All aboard! Get your free ticket and choose your carriage. Ok, I'm not sure if this train metaphor is really working, so, let's talk about the comic instead… We intend to start off with some truly terrible strips, then in a year or two improve our work so that it's just not very good, then maybe in ten years we hope to be posting stuff which is ok, I guess, if you're into that sort of thing, then in fifteen years when our audience grows to something like a dozen readers, we'll be producing work which makes a single person smile once in a while. Our ultimate goal, in say 20-30 years, is to actually make someone laugh out loud. Yes, it is a fanciful dream, and we may have to resort to tickling our readers to make it happen.
ablazemedia at 8:24PM, Feb. 2, 2009
senshuu - Thanks :) herio - me neither. I suck at drawing all round really, even though I studied it for about a billion years. - Rob
Senshuu at 9:30AM, Jan. 31, 2009
This page and commentary go well together.
herio at 1:01AM, Jan. 29, 2009
i cant draw hands
theplatypus at 5:07PM, Jan. 5, 2009
I've visited your booth at ComicCon the last two years. Fun stuff! Good to see you guys are up and running in the Cloud.
Bocaj at 10:03PM, May 31, 2008
Well, I chuckled at the author's comments. (YOU FIEND D:
ablazemedia at 11:09AM, May 21, 2008
Thanks for the comments, guys. As for how Pete looks, well actually that's a remarkably accurate portrayal. The picture of me though BEARS NO RESEMBLANCE TO REALITY!! Damned artists. - Rob
Baloo at 11:03AM, May 19, 2008
I like how Pete looks like TinTin drawn with a twitching -possibly alcoholic-foot.
giovanni at 9:13AM, May 19, 2008
what did i commented before......ah yes your rant is funnier than the comic