Guest Strip - Domi Boy
Tentacle Porn on Aug. 15, 2009
Sorry about the lack of presence lately sirs and sirs, I've been facing a constant onslaught of real-world dilemmas lately, taking them all on one-on-one, fist to fist, kicking ass and taking names. Well, no, not really, I seem to be digging even deeper holes for myself; but have no fear, for I am chasing up guest strips to keep all you lovely gentlemen and gentlemistresses who have fed me your tasty tasty pageviews entertained whilst I fart around sorting myself out.
Here's the first of what I hope is more to come from the lovely DomiBoy. Shield the eyes of small children and easily offended censorship advocates, dis' be x-rated!
I Am The 1337 Master at 12:44PM, April 22, 2010
DJLink at 4:13PM, Dec. 17, 2009
heh still hope to see updates though >.>
webcomics heh at 4:42PM, Oct. 13, 2009
Even a wang must fear... ....A DONG.
McFadyn at 11:15PM, Aug. 17, 2009
keep up the good work. looks really good. soooo good.
Orin J Master at 9:58PM, Aug. 16, 2009
Rating: Penis the FCC should adopt this innovative rating system.
theBSDude at 6:02PM, Aug. 16, 2009
Bocaj at 5:37PM, Aug. 16, 2009
I hope things do get better with you, and nice guest strip.
Tentacle Porn at 4:39PM, Aug. 16, 2009
What the dick, did I just get a comment from polkster? You delicious piece of man, I love your strip so hard it's unhealthy.
Polkster at 4:31PM, Aug. 16, 2009
Your comic has shown me the pitfalls of of casual drug use. Lucky for me, I am a slow learner.