page 18
shino on May 19, 2009
im sorry i updated a lil late. last night was awsomly crazy fun. i love my papi… but this story is going to start to get pretty sad… so dont hate me.
*longboards away*
femine angel: thank's for the 5
Miki: im happy to see someone missed TH; hehehe thank you ^w^
imtiredofdoingthis: i wish those to would work things out to.. but love sucks, sometimes.
—Head in hand has been added to Pictures.
—Sanami has been added to Characture Profile.
Blind Love has been added to Poems.
go check it out ^w^
ForestGard13 at 7:07PM, Oct. 23, 2010
There's a good chance that you're either not on Drunkduck anymore, and... Really, it pisses me off. This is an amazing story, one that I've re-read about... Well, I can't even think of how many times... And every time, it inspires me. *sigh* Listen, if you ever come back, I hope you continue this...
em_ at 9:24PM, June 18, 2010
Flamingbunz at 2:56PM, Jan. 8, 2010
MOAR. :(
skyangel at 1:20PM, Sept. 6, 2009
I just came across your story tonight and read through the whole thing!! Your art is really lovely and a superb storyline. Trust me to come in on such a red hot cliffhanger though!!
AriaEtara at 6:33PM, Aug. 30, 2009
I've been waiting for the update for so long. ^^;; Loving the updates. Very hot. x.x;; Can't wait for more
Orin J Master at 8:57AM, Aug. 2, 2009
i'd expected this to be just another mange wannabe, but what a pleasant surprise. i'll be keeping an eye on this.
Flamingbunz at 2:10PM, Aug. 1, 2009
I just love angst XD Does this make me a sadistic-lover? o.o AHAH JK
DreamDutchess at 8:41PM, July 30, 2009
Hey! :) Wow. I didn't see this page. I kept thinking the last page was it. But now I definitely feel left hanging... and... uh.. eyes drift back to the top of the page.... ooooo
jazkitty at 7:02PM, June 19, 2009
been awhile..all caught up now though^^
Flamingbunz at 6:15PM, June 18, 2009
DD: So unfaithful! Guess she's still heart-broken. ): But I am loving this comic. Cant wait for more (;
Miki at 11:46AM, May 21, 2009
*Wipes nose and points angrily* Why must you make us choose between the smut and what is right!? hot...yet sad, seeing how much Ezra loved Sanami. Now I'm curious about their relationship...Or maybe I just want to see them be smutty. >.>; Hard to say...
reflectedartist at 5:20PM, May 20, 2009
whoa, WHAT? *dies from hot smut* and what what what???? Nooooo
Foxy_Kitty_Girl at 2:30PM, May 20, 2009
awwws , so sad , but hot page HOT AND SAD ARNT SUPPOSE TO GO TOGETHER... oh weeell..
karuleonnese at 1:09PM, May 20, 2009
Ah...I missed a page somehow. XD Bad updating announcer thing. Anyways, yay for updates! ^^ An' smuts. XD An' sad is good for character. -nodnod- Kinda feels like an old situation for myself anyway...