125: A Great Leap Forward

Ian Jay on Dec. 26, 2007

Hey there, guys! This week, due to technical difficulties on TEO's main site, I can only post one of these little text updates on the DD mirror you're reading right now. I thought I might take the opportunity to catch up on things with you Drunk Duck readers, seeing as I don't really use DD for much anymore besides a free place to dump my pages every week. How are things going here? Any improvements to the system? Are the forums still fun, or have they gotten lame? How'd that silly-ass Civil War bullshit turn out? This is our chance to catch up, dear DD readers. Our chance to commune. Our chance to bond.

I had a good Christmas– got a bunch of cool stuff (Argyle socks! Yes!), went to a very Moroccan restaurant in Washington DC (we sat on these couch things and ate with our hands– the first two courses were iffy, but on the whole it was tasty and fun), and generally had a fine time overall. Now that it's over, though, and the new year is rapidly approaching, my approaching return trip to SCAD preys more and more frequently upon my mind. It'll be terrible having to jump into all that work again– especially for two quarters straight, without much of a break in between them, and even more especially considering all the stuff I'm going to be involved with online (and yes, I will stay involved this time, unlike last quarter)– but, on the other hand, it'll be great to see all my friends again. They've become like a second family to me. If you're reading, see you guys soon!

In conclusion… and by the by, DDers, is there any way to embed YouTube videos straight in these posts? Because that's what I've been doing on the other site, and I feel like you guys are getting the short end of the stick when I'm only able to post the link here. …Anyways, in conclusion, here's a uniquely-casted scene from John Steinbeck's “Of Mice And Men”. (Be sure to watch after the credits as well. It is classy.)


Ian Jay