Typical Strange #3 - I Hate You, Tommy Soul!

Banes on Aug. 28, 2011

This Page:
Typical Strange #3, the cover.

Behind the Secret Door:
Hooboy. What am I getting myself into?
Well, COLOR is the quick answer.
It changes the whole approach, with some advantages and some dis-.
If it still LOOKS good, and the pages don't lose too much of their liveliness with this more polished digital workflow, then I'll do the extra hours it takes. It'll be worth it!
If the pages lose that sense of fun, I'll have to rethink!
Anyway, it's an experiment. I'm nervous about it, kinda. We'll see how it works!
Come to think of it, I guess an obscure webcomic playing with color is pretty far from “risky” in any realsense…hahaha.
Suddenly I'm far less nervous.