The Hill People page 29 - Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight

Banes on Jan. 24, 2012

This whole issue has been scientifically researched, by the way…mostly by questionaires filled out by hillfolk who kiss.

Behind the Secret Door:
To fit in with my plan for the page, this one would've included the bit you just read, plus an exchange between Abigail and TK the next morning, PLUS an encounter with one of the hillbillies (which we'll see on the next page or two).

I love the double pages, but this would've been a triple-PLUS page.

Which is great, but rather than do all that (it's LATE!)…this is a nice way to end the page.

Tomorrow - Abigail's to marry some redneck dude. If there's no way to save the Bride…well, then save the date!
