
BlackDragon on April 1, 2007

WOOOHOO I MANAGED TO UPDATE ON TIME!! I am so awesome. Anyway, I'm planning a large 1000hits page comic when I get 1000Hits, obviously. Anyone who wants their character to be a part of it can post it here, even what they want their char to be doing can be posted here.

Anyway, No more assignments for now, and easter berak is coming up soon which means, UPDATE SPAM! Yes, I'll get my updates back on track and everyone will be happy except me. I want to publish my novel T_T Anyway the light blue text is the archangeling, and yes the Priestess's dress has a “Glassy” Type look, its cause I'm awesome. I just realised no one knows the priestess's correct name… I shall reveal it later! MWAHAHAHAH