...and the winner is!

MrHades on Oct. 6, 2011

Congrats NathanX!

Nathan suggested the name: Spitfire.

I like it, as it harks back to the mighty aeroplane that ‘won’ the battle of Britain and ties in with his ability to fire off plasmoids. I received a wealth of great entries (and a few wacky ones). I’d like to thank all those that entered.

I will be running another competition nearer Christmas, so keep checking back.

NathanX: Contact me with what you’d like drawn as part of your prize! I’ll be in touch with you soon in regards to grab some pics off of you to put you in the comic.

And some good news:
Looks like the fault with my MacBook was down to a fault on the machine’s video card that Apple were aware of and are going to fix for free. Sweet!

Will be able to start work on pages as soon as I get it back! Huzzah!
