Evil Emperor Nick on Nov. 29, 2007
Sorry this is so late and the lack of a Harbringer update. I just moved out and honestly I don't have internet access at my new home. In fact I can't even find my computer right now. (I hope it didn't get lost or worse while I was moving.) And I only just recently got the gas & heat turned on.
Which leads me to so bad news. The VM files were lost while moving and all the issued we had done up ahead are missing. This is the only update I have left (because I mailed it to myself to be uploaded from elsewhere in anticipation of my lack of internet.)
Currently Amy is under a brutal deadline to finish our graphic novel by the end of january so she can't take the time to redo them. Unless we find the disks they were saved on I'm afraid that VM is either going to have to get a guest artist for a few weeks or go on hiatus.
If anyone is interested in helping out let me know. If we can get a guest artist for that period we might do a Mary spin off story or something like that until Amy can return and continue the normal comic.
PS: If anyone has suggestions for a good high speed internet provider let me know because I am looking for one.
the1truesushiboy at 11:03PM, Aug. 9, 2011
Indeed, it would... Any new readers after that point would be stunned. "What? How did the art get so good in just one update!?" ... And then they realize...
Ka_rin at 12:38AM, Aug. 1, 2011
that is so true Amysmom.
Amysmom at 12:50PM, July 24, 2011
It would be fun to see an update just because Amy's art style has evolved so much since this posted.
the1truesushiboy at 10:57PM, Jan. 12, 2011
Don't know any artists I could suggest, but I really want to see more. I actually had decided not to read this, because it wasn't updating, but I finally decided to read it and now I'm hooked. The bait was delicious, thank you very much, but now I've got a hook in me and it's tugging at the flesh that is my mind. Granted, I'd much much MUCH(okay maybe not /that/ much) rather have updates of the other comics, but it's kinda sad to see this having been in limbo for so long. I'll be glad to see an update whenever possible, but if working on this would hinder your other artistic endeavors, then by all means, shove it in a box and never open it. I'm far more addicted to CTV, UiU and CQ. This is just to let you know you've got a fan with enough patience to last however long the hiatus will.
Jety Lefr at 4:33PM, Jan. 8, 2011
:( no more :(
Evil Emperor Nick at 8:38AM, Aug. 12, 2010
Well I have more issues written and would be happy to continue the series if anyone knows an good artist who would like to work on a project.
Nightstone at 12:33AM, Aug. 9, 2010
dang i was just getting into this one
wintersclaw at 2:22PM, May 5, 2010
*pulls out folding chair and sits prepared to stare at screen waiting patiently* Honestly I don't mind because I still have all your other wonderful stuff to read!
Evil Emperor Nick at 9:20AM, March 3, 2010
Sorry but Amy can bearly squeeze in UiU updates and I don't want to continue VM without a artist of at least equal quality so right now VM's hiatus has no end is sight.
Evil Emperor Nick at 9:20AM, March 3, 2010
Sorry but Amy can bearly squeeze in UiU updates and I don't want to continue VM without a artist of at least equal quality so right now VM's hiatus has no end is sight.
Yukilee at 7:27PM, March 2, 2010
I cant wait for more
Amysmom at 10:49AM, July 27, 2009
Well Nick, I know you can do the art for this if you could fit it into your crazy work schedule :P It would be nice if Amy could find the time to draw this again, after all this was kind of the comic that brought you two together.
sylvat at 1:50PM, July 9, 2009
it's dissapointing emperor nick, but unfortunately it makes sence, i guess we may just have to wait...
Evil Emperor Nick at 8:48AM, July 9, 2009
If I continue VM I'd like to keep the quality consistent. If I could ever get an artist of sufficent tallent to sign on I'd love to continue the series at least on a weekly basis but I really don't want to water down the series with a bunch of inconsistent pages.
saphydawg at 5:58AM, July 9, 2009
have you thought about sending the plot out to readers or on devientart and making the comic with guest art from them?
Evil Emperor Nick at 9:07AM, June 8, 2009
Sorry all but every time we try and come back to VM money concerns keep us working on other things. I hope you understand.
saphydawg at 4:51AM, June 8, 2009
The party ended a month ago! why do you take delight in torturing us so! :( if not for us, do it for Xan. no rush.
Azeth at 4:40AM, May 12, 2009
Well, the party ended... PLEASE UPDATE! I BEG OF YOU!
jlt314 at 8:01AM, May 4, 2009
methinks the opponents will find new horrors awaiting them - Xan's stature and 37 ways to make grown men cry. faved, 5'd & waiting for update
lugia366 at 2:11PM, April 22, 2009
plz update
Evil Emperor Nick at 7:07AM, April 1, 2009
Nah it is just the red headed step child right now as we've got no prospects to have it published right now and both Charby, UiU & Cwen's Quest do.
claytonctc at 10:26PM, March 31, 2009
yay ^-^ i thought it be dead
Dragon of the Rust at 9:31PM, March 31, 2009
Evil Emperor Nick at 9:52AM, March 25, 2009
A new pages is being worked on now.
Evil Emperor Nick at 1:36PM, March 10, 2009
I promise we will update VM after the Party ends in Charby the Vampirate.