
Evil Emperor Nick on Sept. 27, 2007

Nick wanted to do another rant today (or a Havenshire Harbinger Article that is) but he needed to get to sleep for an early morning at work. So I am updating this for him! And I don't have much else to say…Hmm. I'm going to have to redraw a bunch of missing issues, they got lost and parts of the story won't be able to continue without (because they are between pages). I have the old files on floppy disks…but that's the problem, my old @#$& computer doesn't want to read them anymore and keeps telling me every single one needs to be formatted. Bullcrap! So much work probably lost to crap like this…it really burns me up. When a disk is reading perfectly fine one moment one should expect that it still works only a minute later! ARGH! (my new, fabulous computer doesn't have a floppy drive, so I may have to see if I can find an external one cheap…)