Virtual Key 15
Reika on Oct. 3, 2010
at last my comic page is appear!! I don't know why yesterday my comic page doesn't appear even I upload it more than 5 times, so weird @v@
hello everyone, yesterday I went to Ragnarok World Championship 2010 at JITEC mangga 2 square,Indonesia. the final match is really great! Japan vs Thailand, both of them are very talented in using skills, but only 1 can be the best in the world, Thailand win the game, japan get the second place, and you know what?? I met Lee Myoung Jin! and he gave me his autograph! take a look at this pict! i'm in the middle
i'm so LUCKY!! it's like a dream I can met him XD I'm so happy! Thank You Mr.Lee Myoung Jin!!
Kaolyne at 3:16AM, Oct. 8, 2010
That was fast. O_o Congratualations on you meeting Mr. Lee Myoung Jin. :D
Zerolimits at 10:00AM, Oct. 6, 2010
^_^ i have confidence i dont need to bring back divine grace, your comic is by far amazing :) ill try to keep reading with school stuff in the way =_=
Hoshiko at 11:35PM, Oct. 5, 2010
You've updated! I'll have to remember to check your comic every day now :)
Highwind017 at 7:51AM, Oct. 5, 2010
Shes a Acolyte already :D Also, Congrats on your signed autograph ^^
Reika at 11:50PM, Oct. 4, 2010
I saved it as JPEG
Ettie at 12:28PM, Oct. 4, 2010
What file type is it saved as?